Product Questions

Due to our design and manufacturing processes as well as agreements with our partners, Otter Products is not able to release product launch dates or timelines to customers at this time. If you hear or see launch/shipping dates regarding a device we have not yet released a launch date for from somewhere other than the OtterBox website, external companies have likely determined those dates. If you have questions regarding these dates, please contact that company directly.

Our cases are precision-fit to the device and we can only advise to use them for the device it has been designed for. We cannot guarantee that a case for a specific device will fit in a different one as they are custom designed to accommodate the features and functions of each device. If a case is compatible with more than one device it will be stated on our website.

Our cases can generally be cleaned with mild soap and water, then air dried or dried lightly with a paper towel.

Because Otter Products cases are designed to work with electronic devices, they are not intrinsically safe. There are a wide variety of devices on the market so to determine if your device and the case together are intrinsically safe they would need to be tested by a certified testing lab.

WEEE Recycling

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is taken back free of charge on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis. Waste batteries including rechargeable batteries are taken back free of charge. You are not obliged to make any purchase when returning old batteries. Your local authority must also accept household WEEE and small batteries free of charge at its recycling facilities. All WEEE and waste batteries must be recycled and should not be placed in any of your household wheelie bins. Make sure you always recycle all your old electrical goods and batteries.

If you need help identifying locations in your area where WEEE and waste batteries are accepted, please reach out to us at [email protected], where a member of our team would be more than happy to assist.

  • As embalagens de Papel/Cartão devem ser descartadas no ecoponto azul.
  • As embalagens de Plástico/Metal devem ser descartadas no ecoponto amarelo.

Saiba mais sobre reciclagem aqui